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Mackay Auto Insurance Winter Tires

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Driving in Ontario, Canada is extremely unpredictable with the severe weather changes and challenging road conditions. During the winter months, normally between November and April, the risk of driving on both highway and rural roads increases, causing Ontario drivers to become apprehensive of driving in general.

It is a requirement of Ontario law that all registered vehicles on the road are insured. Mackay Insurance in Belleville wants to help these drivers, throughout the Quinte region and beyond, to drive safely and wisely during these winter months. We provide a variety of motor vehicle insurance options (anchor link to below options) for drivers to choose from - from collector car insurance to motorcycle insurance! 

Our qualified auto insurance brokers at Mackay Insurance have the knowledge and expertise you need to insure your vehicle wisely, lower your risks, and save you money on your insurance premiums. One of the ways we do this is by encouraging the use of winter tires!


The Importance Of Winter Tires

It has been discovered that 80% of drivers have experienced a safer driving experience through the avoidance of major accidents when they had winter tires installed on their vehicle. 75% of Canadian drivers have taken this into consideration and installed winter tires on their vehicles, preventing the danger and risk of those major automobile accidents. 


Benefits Of Installing Winter Tires 

It is clear that installing and driving with high quality, properly installed, winter tires improves driver performance. What are some of the specific benefits of installing and driving with winter tires?

  • Improved Road Safety 

  • Improved Driving Performance 

  • Increased Traction of up to 30% 

  • Useful for up to -30 degree weather conditions 


Save On Auto Insurance By Installing Winter Tires

Canadian drivers save between 1-5% on their auto insurance premiums when they install winter tires on their vehicles during the months of April-November. Insurance companies lower the insurance premium on vehicles that have winter tires installed in order to prevent potential loss and damages, as well as to minimize overall driving risks associated with winter driving.

Interested in learning about your auto insurance quote? Click Here For a Quick Online Car Insurance Quote from Mackay Insurance.


Winter Tires Guide

How do you ensure that you are properly installing the right winter tires? Our Mackay Insurance brokers have created a winter tires guide for our Ontario drivers to follow in order to ensure that they are following the necessary steps in receiving lower insurance premiums.

  1. Install winter tires from November to April.
    At Mackay Insurance, we recommend making an appointment for your winter tire installation early in the season in order to get ahead of the rush. By scheduling your winter tire installation early in the season, you are more prepared for the inevitably unpredictable Canadian winter. 

  2. Ensure that your tires display the winter tire symbol.

  • The winter tire symbol is used strictly on winter tires, not all-season tires. This is because snow tires perform 30% better than all-season tires do. This winter tire symbol is used in Canada to communicate that the tire has been manufactured to meet specific snow traction performance requirements. This pictograph, showing a mountain and snowflake and set by the Rubber Association of Canada, states that the tire is designed for better grip on ice and in sub-zero weather conditions. 

  1. Ensure that you install all four winter tires at once.
    Although installing only two of the four necessary winter tires may appear to be a money-saving hack, this could actually cost the driver more money in the long run. In order to receive the lowered auto insurance premium, all four tires must be installed. This ensures proper all around traction and will improve driving performance. 

  2. Ensure winter tires are kept in good condition.
    Tires wear out and lose their traction over time, so it is important to ensure that your winter tires are in good, working condition before they are installed, as well as throughout their use (April - November).

  3. Ensure proper air pressure in winter tires.
    Ensuring proper air pressure in your tires is important regardless of the season, however during the fluctuating weather conditions of winter, tire pressure can deplete unexpectedly. To improve overall vehicle performance and road safety, winter tire pressure must be monitored closely. 

Contact Your Mackay Auto Insurance Brokers

In Ontario, all registered vehicles must be insured. At Mackay Insurance in Belleville, Ontario, our brokers provide you with auto insurance coverage for collector cars, student cars and motorcycles. We also provide insurance for high risk drivers!

Call our qualified brokers at (613) 966-5740 or Click Here For a Quick Online Car Insurance Quote from Mackay Insurance.